Monday, March 30, 2020

What Does the Chemistry Atom Focused Approach Does For Chemists?

What Does the Chemistry Atom Focused Approach Does For Chemists?Using the Chemistry Atom Focused Approach can be a very powerful way to design a chemical manufacturing process, but is it worth the extra time it takes? If you're looking for an answer to that question, it might be time to learn about the benefits of using this approach. Because there are many advantages to this type of approach, some manufacturers may find the time spent in using this method of chemical engineering to be worth it.One of the most important things that you need to understand is that every chemical has a specific function. The atoms in the compound all have to be arranged in a way that ensures that those atoms will interact with each other in a way that creates a strong bond. Strong bonds are one of the strongest bonds that there are. When a strong bond is created, you can use chemistry atoms focused approach to form a valuable substance.With strong bonds, you'll be able to produce your own version of alm ost any valuable substance that you can imagine. Using chemistry atoms focused approach, you can make a broad range of substances that you'll find valuable. It isn't difficult to find chemicals that you can create with this method. It's just a matter of knowing what you want to create and then knowing the right tools to use to design the process.For a wide range of different applications, you can find chemicals that you can use. Chemical engineers can create almost anything from the building blocks of life to new materials that are superior to anything else that's out there. Because of the wide range of materials that they can create, it's easy to see why these experts consider using this method to be so important.There are two basic types of bonding that occur when you look at materials with chemistry atoms focused approach. These types of bonding are inorganic and organic. Both types are critical to the creation of valuable materials, and you can get them in a variety of ways.Inor ganic strong bonds are often formed when two or more chemicals have the same valence shell. This means that each one of the chemicals has its own volume and shape of the substance. It's hard to build materials with inorganic chemistry in order to form stronger bonds, but it's possible with the use of chemists.Organic compounds have two forms of structure that are crucial to creating strong bonds. Both types of structure involve molecules that are rigid in nature. But there are two different types of rigidness and they can be utilized to create a wide range of different types of materials.One of the greatest chemical engineering uses of the Chemistry Atom Focused Approach is the creation of new materials. This method is used to design the structures that can be found in many of the products that we use every day. You can see why the chemical engineers consider it to be such a valuable tool.

Friday, March 6, 2020

Meet the teacher ESL Instructor, Mark, in Gwangju, South Korea

Meet the teacher ESL Instructor, Mark, in Gwangju, South Korea We caught up with Mark, an ESL teacher from Illinois, who has been teaching abroad on a Teach Away placement for three months at a school in Gwangju, South Korea. We asked him some questions about his experience so far, so he could share an insight and his perspective with others interested in teaching in Korea. What initially interested you in teaching abroad? Well, firstly, I’ve always been really interested in travel, and when I decided to head out for my TEFL placement, I was well-positioned to try something new because I wasn’t tied down by anything in particular. I had a lot of freedom to explore the idea of a new adventure. I also have a couple of friends who have either taught ESL previously or are currently abroad teaching, and they’ve had nothing but good things to say about their experience. Also, whenever I’ve travelled I’ve found it to be such an educational experience. I’ve learned a lot about the world, but also about myself and about others. So not only do I get to go abroad and teach others, but I get to learn something new as well. Why did you decide on South Korea? I was pretty indiscriminateâ€"in my application, I picked 8 countries that generally interested me. I then decided on South Korea because I had friends teaching there already who all had positive things to say about their experience, and I had also taught several international students from South Korea in the United States as part of an exchange program. Those students made a great impression on me. Did you have any concerns before you left? I actually didn't have many concerns, I'm pretty laid-back and like to go with the flow. I think it’s important to be as easygoing as possible when making such a drastic move, otherwise anything could bother you. Although I’ve heard some people say that their actual situation differed slightly from their contract, my experience here in South Korea has proved to be a very pleasant surprise. Describe the school that you teach at and what a typical workday looks like for you. Something that I like about my placement is that no two days are the same. I arrive at the school I teach at for 11 am, although I don't start teaching until 12 pm, and on Thursdays not until 1:20 pm. This gives me a good amount of prep time. Having a later start time also allows me to reserve my mornings for myself and activities that interest me personally. The school is a combination of three Kindergarten-type schools and two hagwonsâ€"or private Korean institutes. I have one class that I see everyday, but the other classes are all once or twice a week. All of the materials are provided, which makes lesson-planning very easy. At most, I need 30 minutes to prepare for a whole day of lessons. After teaching in the United States and seeing how much time and effort I needed to put into planning, this process seems like a piece of cake. I don’t have to worry about take-home work because all necessary grading can be done within the hours I’m at the school. What have you learned about life in South Korea from your teaching experience? I’ve learned a lot about South Korean culture through my placement, which I’ve really enjoyed. It has often been a challenge when communicating, but despite that fact, my experience has been one to remember thus far. Everyday is a new opportunity to learn a little bit more, not just about South Korea, but about myself as well. I’ve also learned a lot about different educational styles and educational systems, and have made adaptations to my teaching style based on this system. What is your favorite meal that you’ve had? A Korean friend of mine made me a traditional Korean brunch of duck and pumpkin, which was my favorite meal here thus far. Other foods I’ve also really enjoyed are bibimbap, gimbap, samgyupsal, to name a few. I’ve pretty much enjoyed it all here, I love how spicy things can get. It feels a lot healthier, tastier, and fresher than the food I was used to back home. What’s your neighborhood like? My neighborhood is nice and quiet. There is a park in the heart of the neighborhood, and a lot of my coworkers and friends live in nearby buildings. It creates a real sense of community here. My apartment is small, but that’s to be expected in Korea, and I’m able to get out and do interesting things nearby anywayâ€"I enjoy the local restaurants, and the mountains for hiking are literally a six-minute walk from my place. I’ve found the people here to be super nice and welcoming. Where would you like to go next? I haven’t really thought that far ahead because I’m enjoying my experience here, but I think one day I’d like to do a placement in Bolivia, if it presents itself. What resources did you find helpful as you planned to go abroad? I think trying to connect with teachers that are either currently placed at the same school, or teachers who have taught there in the past is really helpful. Do you have any tips for teachers who are looking to apply to teach abroad? Do your homework beforehand to understand as much as you can, but also realize that at some point you will just have to roll with it. Don't look at this as something you will do for a short timeâ€"embrace it as your new life and new home, even if you’ll only do it for the one year. Think about culture and food. They are very important, and it's important to embrace new things and not just carry your old habits and traditions with you. Your good attitude will enhance your experience. Finally, if you can, try and email or talk to teachers that are currently at the school and get their impressions and their advice before you begin.

Is a TEFL certification necessary for an experienced teacher

Is a TEFL certification necessary for an experienced teacher Picture this: you’re an experienced teacher who is used to teaching native English speakers at home, walking into a classroom full of eager foreign learners for the very first time. The class is just as excited as you are, but despite this, something just isn’t clicking when the lesson begins. After a bit of talking you notice them staring blankly at you with a look of confusion in their eyes. They still don’t seem to “get it”, no matter how many times you try to repeat or enunciate your voice (frustrating!). Well, the reality is that teaching at home and teaching abroad (or online) to foreign language students is completely different. There are many nuances to learning in a foreign language, just as many as there are to teaching your subject matter in a foreign language. This is where a TEFL certificate comes in handy for any teacher aspiring to teach away from home or start teaching online. The objective of a TEFL course is to prepare you for teaching non-native English speakers. It’s useful for all types of teachers â€"â€" ESL and licensed teachers alike. But, you may still be wondering: “Is a TEFL certification necessary to teach abroad if I’m already an experienced teacher?”. While a TEFL certification isn’t technically required for qualified teachers with credentials, it is super beneficial for your professional development, job search and, most importantly, your success as a teacher abroad. Read on to learn why certified teachers, experienced teachers, new grads and ESL teachers alike can benefit from getting a TEFL certificate. Teaching abroad is different from teaching at home Licensed teachers know all about teaching strategies, classroom management, and lesson planning to name a few. But your degree in teaching only focused on how to teach native speakers, not how to teach foreign language learners. The truth is those same teaching methods from back home don’t always translate well abroad. No pun intended! No surprise here, but the foreign classroom is an entirely different ball game. You’ll be teaching English, or your desired subject in English, to non-native speakers who may not understand everything you say. Language proficiency can be a big barrier for students. It’s hard enough for a student to understand math concepts in their mother tongue â€" let alone a foreign one! The great news is that a TEFL course helps you adapt your communication style to better suit the English proficiency level of your students. And it helps you learn strategies to teach in a foreign language keeping in mind all the complexities and nuances. Learning skills to teach English language learners, identify language gaps and adapt your teaching style and strategies for each student, is the key focus in a TEFL course. Stand out from the crowd Most teaching positions worth applying to either require a TEFL certification or prefer it and consider it an asset. That’s because a TEFL certificate is the global standard qualification for teaching abroad and is recognized by schools from all around the world. With a TEFL certificate on your resume, you’ll stand out from the competition when your qualifications and experience are otherwise the same. This will inevitably help you land teaching job opportunities abroad. Teachers with a TEFL certificate get noticed for jobs much more often than applicants who don’t have it. Especially for the most popular schools or locations overseas. What’s more? Your TEFL certification never expires and doesn’t need to be renewed. Once you are certified, it’s for life. To get started, there are a few great online TEFL certification courses out there that you can complete from anywhere in the world. Gain valuable cultural knowledge We cannot say enough just how important cultural awareness is for teachers moving to a foreign country. Students from different cultures may not just interact differently with their teachers, but they may also learn differently too. A TEFL course prepares you for these cultural differences and helps you research destinations, organizations and work environments overseas. You’ll be readily equipped to adapt to your new home and anticipate and prepare for cultural differences that can (at times) be challenging to say the least. Get TEFL certified today! So to wrap it up, even if you are already a teacher at home, you may still need a TEFL certificate to teach abroad or online. Yes, you can teach abroad without a TEFL certification, but some countries may require a TEFL certificate, so in those cases, you will definitely need one to teach there. If you want to start a new career teaching abroad then it is worth getting TEFL certified first so that you can learn to be the best teacher possible for your foreign students abroad. Whether you’re an aspiring or experienced teacher, a TEFL certificate can help boost your resume and make you a globally-minded teacher who will be confident in the foreign classroom! Learn more about getting TEFL certified online and pick the course that’s right for you.

Thursday, March 5, 2020

Uses of Halogen Chemistry

Uses of Halogen ChemistryHalogen chemistry is a process of using gas, either helium or neon to produce a gas with the properties of neon gas. This gas is produced from the addition of gas into a process known as the volumetric conversion, where helium and other gases are used in combination to form more than one gas of similar molecular weight. The process of halogen chemistry can be applied to many different types of operations where gases are used. Here is a brief description of the processes of this kind.Halogen chemistry is used by an industrial chemist to change gases into a gas with properties that have potential uses in that environment. It is used in industries such as gas processing, pharmaceutical manufacture, automobile manufacturing, welding, glass fibre processing, and chemicals manufacture. The process is also used to convert gases from other processes into a gas with similar properties. These gases include ethane, carbon dioxide, methane, water vapour, methane hydrate, methane sulphide, benzene, and nitrous oxide.Inhalation is one of the major uses of halogen chemistry. This is done for several reasons including the filtering of air and the elimination of toxic gas emissions. Halogen chemistry is commonly used in the auto industry where it is used to filter out small particles in the exhaust air from automobile engines.Hydrogenated oils are often used in the production of hydrogen peroxide which is made use of in the creation of certain cosmetic products. Halogen chemistry can also be used to create hydrocarbons such as methane. In this type of process, carbon dioxide is combined with hydrogen to form methane.Oxygen chemical reactions are also important for producing halogen chemistry. An example of this type of chemistry is found in the process of combustion where water, air, and carbon dioxide are burned to create heat. In this case, the oxygen reacts with carbon dioxide in the combustion process to make carbon monoxide, a highly dangerous gas. After the development of chlorine, there was a decline in halogen chemistry in large industries. This resulted in the use of halogen-free gases in certain industries and many of these have been phased out of use. Today, halogen chemistry is used in other parts of the world including some instances where chlorine gas is used. Many countries, including Germany, have developed a procedure called chloroform synthesis which uses chloroform gas, nitrogen, carbon dioxide, and hydrogen to produce chloroform gas, which is very similar to halogen gas.Halogen chemistry is used to make numerous types of products from gases that have different properties. It can be applied to almost any type of process and therefore is frequently used in many types of industries. Many types of processes are processed using halogen chemistry today and these types of processes will continue to see growth in the future.

Benefits of Taking Spanish Classes Online

Benefits of Taking Spanish Classes OnlineIf you're considering enrolling yourself in a Spanish class, but the thought of spending an hour or more per day trying to comprehend a language that seems to be stuck in your head, why not do it online? In a very short period of time, the entire process of learning a new language can be done in your home or office. There are many reasons to choose this method of learning over traditional classroom teaching methods. Here's a brief explanation.Learning online is simply that. The education materials, you are provided are the same as the curriculum you would receive in a traditional classroom. That is the beauty of the way you are learning the language - the pace is much faster than it would be in a classroom.With an online Spanish tutor, you are able to study at your own pace without being pressed for time. All you have to do is meet with your tutor when you have the time, and once you've finished, you can then move on to the next lesson, which should take you only a few minutes each day.Learning a language using this system is like having two full-time jobs. You don't have to worry about getting up early or being tired or hungry so you can eat a good breakfast. You also don't have to worry about missing a deadline because you had to go for a meeting and didn't make it in time.With an online Spanish tutor, you are given a rich opportunity to expand your vocabulary, improve your speaking skills, and practice your listening and reading abilities as well. Some people even find that their pronunciation and writing skills are improved when they take lessons from Spanish tutors.Once you have learned a language, the next step is to learn to speak it, which is probably the most difficult thing you will ever attempt to do. With online tutoring, you'll be able to learn how to speak quickly and easily with the help of a program that guides you through every step of the process.Using an online Spanish tutor, you can be involved in the learning process right away, and you won't have to think about the time it would take to travel to the nearest classroom to take the classes. You can take this time off from work and try to spend as much time as possible in the comfort of your own home.

Valedictorian Title Losing Its Prestige

Valedictorian Title Losing Its Prestige For years, the valedictorian title has been for a schools best academic performer. There was only one student who received this top honor. However, many high schools are beginning to honor multiple valedictorians, according to an article in The New York Times. The prestige and honor that has always come with the valedictorian title is fading quickly as more schools pick up on this trend. Teachers and administrators are now giving the title to every straight-A student, instead of picking the best individual out of the class. Principals and administrators are offering multiple valedictorian titles in efforts to reduce competition and pressure among students. They believe that its not fair to better honor the top student over the 5th best student, especially when the differences in their GPAs are miniscule. Parents love to see their kids honored as the top performers in their high schools. However, some believe that it has gone too far, stating that this is another ploy by high schools to inflate and over exaggerate their students abilities. Critics of this trend state that, although it honors more students, it takes focus away from the single best student of that high school class. This then lessens that schools actual valedictorians chances of getting accepted into elite colleges. Those who favor this trend and the critics both agree that it is a blatant effort to increase a high schools notoriety. Its honor inflation, said Chris Healy, an associate professor at Furman University. He also said that honoring too many students as valedictorians could leave them ill prepared for the competition in college and the work field. I think its a bad idea if youre No. 26 and youre valedictorian. In the real world, you do get ranked. Some high schools are honoring up to 94 students as valedictorians. Other schools are honoring as high as 6.5% of the graduating class as valedictorians. This increases students chances of being honored, and most students like this trend. Some schools are recognizing every student who receives straight-As throughout high school, regardless of the level of their classes, as valedictorians. Other schools weight grades, showing favoritism to students who take harder, upper-level courses. Recently, many high schools have tried to increase their notoriety by adding more Advanced Placement classes and allowing more students to take them. High schools have altered their GPA scales; so students can receive a 5.0 instead of a 4.0 in certain advanced classes. This can drastically increase a students overall GPA. High schools are trying to make their students look better than other, competing schools, in attempts to place more students in the nations elite colleges. However, most high schools continue to claim that they are not lowering the bar by making classes easier. So, students are not learning less in an effort to look better. Most education administrators and officials place credence in this claim. It is expected that these trends of inflating students abilities will continue. High schools are beginning to understand that they need to do so in order to compete and place students at top colleges.

How Well Do You Know Spanish 15 Ways to Test Yourself

How Well Do You Know Spanish 15 Ways to Test Yourself Suzy S. How much do you really know from your Spanish lessons or classes? While there are a few Spanish proficiency tests available online, theres an easier way to test yourself: simply ask yourself 15 practical questions. Read on as Fairfax, CA tutor  Jason N.  explains Learning Spanish can enhance your life in innumerable ways, such as having more competitive job opportunities, understanding Spanish films and poetry, and most importantly being able to form deep connections with people who only speak Spanish. Contrary to what many believe, you do not have to be young to learn a new language (although it helps). That said, learning a new language can be one of the most demanding goals you can conquer. The depth of practice necessary to root Spanish into the brain so that it sticks for the long-haul can discourage many Spanish learners, and they give up before they are able to see the fruits of their efforts. This article is about preventing that, by keeping the bigger picture in mind when faced with seemingly insurmountable roadblocks. You can think of the following questions as indicators of where you are, and that can point you in the right direction to get you “back on track” and not throw in the towel too soon. Each question follows a chronological order, and reflects a progressively more advanced command of Spanish. Effective language learning rewards persistence and repetition over a long time span. If you are reading this blog, you already learned one language, proving you can definitely learn another! 1) Can you sing the alphabet in Spanish?  This is key to understanding, spelling, and pronouncing basic Spanish. Most Spanish classes start here. I start here with my students who are new to the language. 2) Can you conjugate a verb, especially hablar or comer?  Without knowing how to conjugate verbs, we would not be able to form coherent sentences. Just like English, conjugating verbs is essential to learning Spanish. 3) Can you count to 100 in Spanish?  Numbers are key to a basic knowledge of a  language. 4) Can you differentiate between masculine and feminine nouns? Between ser and estar? Between por and para?  Unlike English, every noun in Spanish has a gender! Learning their genders is just as important as learning the noun. The same applies to the differences between ser and estar,  and por and para. 5) Can you routinely pluralize the articles and adjectives of any given noun?  Plurality tends to follow nouns around in Spanish, unlike in English. For example, in English, we say the red beautiful cars,” whereas in Spanish, we would say  Los carros bellos y rojos. 6) Do you struggle with Spanish without giving up or feeling lousy?  Struggling is where a lot of the learning happens, so be patient! Unfortunately, this is where many people give up. If you are being too hard on yourself when you haven’t learned a certain concept or word, pause and remember how difficult learning a new language is, by nature. 7) Is your vocabulary strong enough to order a meal or choose the correct bus or subway line without faltering? 8) Can you read an article in Spanish and get the general idea? 9) Can you formulate a complete sentence in Spanish? 10) Do you ever think in Spanish, or are you constantly translating words and phrases from English to Spanish in your head?  On your road to truly becoming proficient in Spanish, you should gradually start to think in that language. This can be as simple as “How are you?” ( ¿Cómo estás? in Spanish) to as intricate as “I wonder why the person sitting in front of me at the coffee shop drank three coffees, but still fell asleep?” ( ¿Por qué la persona en frente de mí quedó dormida después de tomar tres tazas de café?) If you’ve been practicing for years, but are still mentally translating, see this link to practice Spanish on mobile applications, or even better, work with a tutor regularly! 11) Can you listen, read, write, or speak for more than 20 minutes without feeling like your brain is on a frying pan?  Believe it or not, if you are a native English speaker, you once struggled to learn English as an infant and child. You were not always verbal. You have years, possibly decades, of English practice under your belt now. If you feel overwhelmed after practicing Spanish for 20 minutes, stop and take a breather. This is simply an indicator that you need more practice. 12) Can you watch a movie in Spanish without subtitles and not feel totally confused? 13) Do you dream in Spanish?  A language really begins finding its way into the core of your neutrons when it influences your unconscious mind and habits. When studying Spanish in Costa Rica in 2010, I had recurring dreams of my Costa Rican friends and classmates correcting my Spanish grammar and pronunciation as I spoke to them. This isn’t exactly the kind of dream I am referring to, but I still associate this with when I truly started to become fluent. This was the first time in my life where I was writing, reading, speaking, and listening to more Spanish than English on a daily basis. Ask anyone who has successfully learned Spanish as a second language, and he or she will have a similar story. 14) Do certain words or phrase come more readily available to your mind in Spanish, before English?  If you are listening, reading, speaking, or writing  in  Spanish frequently, you will know you’re doing well when you can think of the Spanish word or phrase before the English one every now and then. 15) Do you feel understood when you are in a context where only Spanish is used?   With language, you either use it or lose it. These questions are meant to motivate you! Six years ago, I knew fewer than 40 words in Spanish, and now I work primarily with Spanish-speakers in one job and teach Spanish in my other job. It’s a long-term process, and your efforts (although not always tangible immediately) will reap incredible benefits if you stick with it! Looking for a more interactive Spanish proficiency test? Here are some of our favorites: Spanish Proficiency Test via Transparent Language Spanish Test Online via don Quixote Placement Test Spanish via Lengalia Jason N. tutors in English and Spanish in Fairfax, CA.  He majored in Spanish at UC Davis, lived in Mexico for 3 years where he completed a Masters degree in Counseling, and studied Spanish Literature and Psychology at the University of Costa Rica. Learn more about Jason here!   Interested in Private Lessons? Search thousands of teachers for local and live, online lessons. Sign up for convenient, affordable private lessons today! Search for Your Teacher Photo by  Reeve Jolliffe